The itap GmbH has successfully completed the conversion to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (2018).
As part of the transition from the 2005 version to the 2018 version of the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, we have reduced our range of services. The following services are no longer accredited at the itap GmbH with immediate effect: machine acoustics and sound absorption measurements. The background is the closure of our standard-conforming reverberation room in 2019, but the services can still be provided by the itap GmbH as a non-accredited measuring center. In November 2019, due to the personnel restructuring in the vibration section, we have withdrawn our notification as §29b measuring center according to the BImSchG for the section vibrations. However, we are still accredited for this section and Dr. Michael Bellmann is still a publicly appointed and sworn expert for vibrations, so that our scope of services has hardly been reduced.