Measurement report published
New Deterrence System “FaunaGuard Module harbor porpoises”
The acoustic characteristics of the new deterrence system “FaunaGuard Module harbor porpoises” were measured on behalf of the BSH during its application in offshore construction projects. The technical measurement report was now published.
The innovative deterrence device “FaunaGuard Module harbor porpoises” was applied several times in recent years as a deterrence measure in offshore construction projects in the German EEZ of the North- and Baltic Sea. On behalf of the BSH, the itap GmbH has compiled and analyzed across projects the underwater noise detection measurements performed within a radius of up to 750 m around the deterrence area. The results of these underwater noise measurements are summarized in a technical measurement report (PDF). Under the same contract, a second cross-project study was conducted by BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG regarding the deterrence effectiveness of the new deterrence device applied. Also this report was now published (PDF).